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Academic Staff

Carmine Dodaro

Email: carmine.dodaro[AT]unical.it
Web: Personal site

Expertise: Artificial Intelligence, Logic Programming, Nonmonotonic reasoning, Answer Set Programming, Satisfiability, Maximum Satisfiability

Research: Carmine Dodaro's research interests are in Logic Programming, mainly in Answer Set Programming (ASP). His main topics of research are the development of efficient ASP systems, algorithms for efficient evaluation of optimization problems, and efficient ASP encodings for solving complex combinatorial problems. He is the main developer of WASP, a state-of-the-art ASP solver, which is part of the version 2 of the system DLV. He proposed several efficient evaluation techniques for ASP, as well as debugging tools and ASP encodings for solving industrial problems. In 2011, he received an award by the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA) for the best Italian Master thesis in Artificial Intelligence: "WASP: A New Model Generator". In 2016, he was a co-author of the paper "Anytime answer set optimization via unsatisfiable core shrinking", awarded as the best paper of the International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP). He has served in the program committees of major conferences and he served as a reviewer for journals and conferences of his research areas. In 2019, he was selected as distinguished PC Member of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI).


Teaching - Academic Year 2019/2020: