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location: FinalProblemDescriptions / AirportPickup

Airport Pickups

Problem Description

* Input Predicates: location/1, driveway/3, airport/1, gasstation/1, passenger/1, init_at/2, vehicle/2, init_at/2, init_gas/2

* Output Predicates: drive/3, pick/2, drop/2 and refuel/2

A planning problem than that involves moving objects around a weighted graph.

Imagine a city composed of locations and possible driveways between these locations. Two of this locations are Airports and some are Gas Stations.

A set of passengers are waiting in Airport #1 and Airport #2. Passengers from Airport #1 need to reach Airport #2 and vice-versa.

A set of vehicles are located around the city. Each of these vehicles can pick and transport one passenger at a time.

Driving a vehicle between two city locations costs the vehicle certain amount of gasoline. Initially all vehicles have certain amount of gasoline already in them. If a Vehicle runs out of gasoline, it cannot be driven anymore. Vehicles can re-fill gasoline at a Gas Station.

Find a plan to drive the vehicles and move all the passengers to their respective destinations.