= Third Answer Set Programming Competition - 2011 = {{{#!wiki caution The Third Answer Set Programming Competition is now '''open''' and '''in the Call for benchmarks''' stage. '''Important dates''' can be found [[#schedule|here]]. Find the '''Call for Participation''' [[CallforParticipation|here]]. }}} == News and updates == * <> Released a few encoding [[EncodingsExamples|examples]] written in ASP-Core and ASP-RfC. You might want to [[https://www.mat.unical.it/aspcomp2011/FrontPage?action=SubscribeUser|subscribe]] this page for getting e-mail notifications about news (needs [[https://www.mat.unical.it/aspcomp2011/FrontPage?action=login|opening]] an user account). <> == Detailed Information == * Competition Categories * [[MSCompetition|Model & Solve Competition]] * [[SystemCompetition|System Competition]] * [[ParticipationRules|Scoring and Participation Rules]] * [[http://www.mat.unical.it/aspcomp2011/files/LanguageSpecifications.pdf|File and language format specifications]] * [[BenchmarkProblems|Benchmark problem classification]] * [[BenchmarkSubmission|Benchmark Submission procedure]] * [[ParticipantSubmission|Participant Submission procedure]] * [[NewsUpdates|News and Updates]] * [[ToolsUtilities|Tools and Utilities]] * Former competitions: * [[http://asparagus.cs.uni-potsdam.de/contest/|First]] ASP Competition * [[http://dtai.cs.kuleuven.be/events/ASP-competition/index.shtml|Second]] ASP Competition <> == Important Dates == * Problem selection stage: * December 25th, 2010 - Deadline for problem submission * January 3th, 2011 - Publication of temporary list of selected benchmarks * January 4-10th, 2011 - Submission of accepted benchmarks in finalized version * January 10th, 2011 - Publication of the final list of selected problems * Competition stage: * February 4th, 2011 - Deadline for Systems submission * February 5-25th, 2011 - Competition stage * May 16th 2011 - Announcement of results and awards at LPNMR 2011 - Vancouver, BC, Canada. == Contacts == * [[OrganizingCommittee|Organizing Committee]] * Contact the Organizing Committee [[mailto:aspcomp2011_REPLACE_WITH_AT_mat.unical.it |here]].