= Third Answer Set Programming Competition - 2011 = {{{#!wiki caution The Third Answer Set Programming Competition is now '''open''' and '''in the Call for Participation''' stage. The call for benchmarks is now '''closed'''. '''Important dates''' can be found [[#schedule|here]]. Find the '''Call for Participation''' [[CallforParticipation|here]]. Wonder '''how to submit'''? Click [[ParticipantSubmission|here]]. }}} == News and updates == * Jan 18th, 2010. You can find in the [[OfficialProblemSuite|Official Problem Suite]] the final problem specifications (continously updated). Stay in touch! * Jan 10th, 2010. Modified [[http://www.mat.unical.it/aspcomp2011/files/LanguageSpecifications-1.10.pdf|file and language format specifications]]. Please have a look at the change log. * January 5th, 2011. Released a [[PreliminaryProblemList|preliminary problem list]]. You might want to [[https://www.mat.unical.it/aspcomp2011/FrontPage?action=subscribe|subscribe]] this page for getting e-mail notifications about news (needs [[https://www.mat.unical.it/aspcomp2011/FrontPage?action=login|opening]] an user account). <> == Detailed Information == * Competition Categories * [[MSCompetition|Model & Solve Competition]] * [[SystemCompetition|System Competition]] * [[ParticipationRules|Scoring and Participation Rules]] * [[http://www.mat.unical.it/aspcomp2011/files/LanguageSpecifications-1.10.pdf|File and language format specifications]] (v. 1.10) * [[http://www.mat.unical.it/aspcomp2011/files/LanguageSpecifications-1.01.pdf|File and language format specifications]] (v. 1.01) * [[http://www.mat.unical.it/aspcomp2011/files/LanguageSpecifications-1.00.pdf|File and language format specifications]] (v. 1.00) * [[BenchmarkProblems|Benchmark problem classification]] * [[BenchmarkSubmission|Benchmark Submission procedure]] * [[ParticipantSubmission|Participant Submission procedure]] * [[NewsUpdates|News and Updates]] * [[ToolsUtilities|Tools and Utilities]] * Former competitions: * [[http://asparagus.cs.uni-potsdam.de/contest/|First]] ASP Competition * [[http://dtai.cs.kuleuven.be/events/ASP-competition/index.shtml|Second]] ASP Competition <> == Important Dates == * Problem selection stage: * December 31th, 2010 - Deadline for problem submission * January 3th, 2011 - Publication of temporary list of selected benchmarks * January 4-10th, 2011 - Submission of accepted benchmarks in finalized version * January 10th, 2011 - Publication of the final list of selected problems {{{#!wiki caution * <> Competition stage schedule: * February 4th, 2011 - '''Dry Run start'''. Systems which are already submitted and set up by that date will be automatically tested on official instances. Any problem on the dry run will be privately reported to competitors. Note that competitors submissions '''will be not closed''' until the final deadline: systems not submitted within this deadline will simply not undergo the dry run. * February 13th, 2011, 23:59 Pacific Standard Time - '''Final''' deadline for Competitors Submission. * February 14th, 2011 - Start of the unmanned official competition run. * May 16th 2011 - Announcement of results and awards at [[https://sites.google.com/site/lpnmr11/ |LPNMR 2011]] - Vancouver, BC, Canada. }}} == Contacts == * [[OrganizingCommittee|Organizing Committee]] * Contact the Organizing Committee [[mailto:aspcomp2011_REPLACE_WITH_AT_mat.unical.it |here]].