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Revision 6 as of 2010-12-02 15:32:49

location: RunModelSolve

 #! /usr/bin/env bash

set -o pipefail     # Disable output buffering

if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
    echo "This script must be invoked with three parameters!"

MAX_NESTING_LEVEL=$2    # NOTE: MAX_NESTING_LEVEL is not used in this version of DLV

SCRIPTDIR=`dirname $0`

# Execution with preprocessing and postprocessing:
$SCRIPTDIR/preprocess.pl | $BIN -N=$MAXINT -filter=$OUTPUT_PREDICATES -n=1 -silent $ENCODING -- | $SCRIPTDIR/postprocess.pl

if [ $ECODE -ne 0 ]; then
    echo UNKNOWN;
exit $ECODE

Note that, in the above script, DLV is invoked after a pre-processing perl script. The output of DLV is processed by a perl post-processing script. Your binary executable might not require a pre-processing script, in which case the following instruction can be used in the script:

# Execution with postprocessing only:
$BIN -N=$MAXINT -filter=$OUTPUT_PREDICATES -n=1 -silent $ENCODING -- | $SCRIPTDIR/postprocess.pl

Similarly, if your binary executable does not require a post-processing script, the following instruction can be used in the script:

# Execution with preprocessing only:
$SCRIPTDIR/preprocess.pl | $BIN -N=$MAXINT -filter=$OUTPUT_PREDICATES -n=1 -silent $ENCODING --