#acl EditorsGroup:read,write,delete,revert,admin All:read = EZCSP = == Team == * Marcello Balduccini (Eastman Kodak) * Yuliya Lierler (University of Nebraska at Omaha) * Selim Erdogan (N/A) * Daniela Inclezan (N/A) * Vladimir Lifschitz (University of Texas) * Bijoy Arif (University of Nebraska at Omaha) * Kurt Hungerford (University of Nebraska at Omaha) * Richard Pell (University of Nebraska at Omaha) * Zack Buhman (University of Nebraska at Omaha) == Description == * Ezcsp solver: gringo for grounding; clasp finds an answer set; then, the constraint solver of B-Prolog looks for solutions to the constraint problem encoded by the answer set. If no such solution is found, backtracking occurs. * ASP{f} solver: uses clingo extended for support of non-Herbrand functions. * clingcon solver: unmodified solver. == System Settings == * Ezcsp solver: gringo, clasp and the constraint solver of B-Prolog, all used with standard settings. * ASP{f} solver: clingo with standard settings. * clingcon solver: standard settings. == References == * M. Balduccini, ''An Answer Set Solver for non-Herbrand Programs: Progress Report'', Technical Communications of the 28th Int'l. Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP'12)", Sep. 2012. * M. Balduccini, ''Representing Constraint Satisfaction Problems in Answer Set Programming'', ICLP09 Workshop on Answer Set Programming and Other Com puting Paradigms (ASPOCP09), Jul. 2009.