Fifth Answer Set Programming Competition (ASPCOMP 2014)

The Fifth Answer Set Programming Competition (ASPCOMP 2014) will take place as one of the events within the FLoC Olympic Games, held in Vienna in the context of the Vienna Summer of Logic 2014. The event is officially affiliated with the 30th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2014).

<<TableOfContents: execution failed [list index out of range] (see also the log)>>

Competition Results and Data

News and updates

Live Events

Answer Set Programming Modeling Competition

The Answer Set Programming Modeling Competition 2014 @FLoC Olympic Games 2014 took place on Sunday, July 20th, 2014. The ASP Modeling Competition 2014 was held on-site: complex problems of various kinds were waiting to be modeled, using the ASP-Core-2 standard input language. Dauntless programmers, novices and experts, have been encouraged to team up, take the challenge and the glory (see


Winner Team


Mario Alviano (University of Calabria), Carmine Dodaro (University of Calabria), Wolfgang Faber (University of Huddersfield)


Marcello Balduccini (Drexel University), Agostino Dovier (University of Udine), Tran Cao Son (New Mexico State University)


Günther Charwat (Vienna University of Technology), Stefan Ellmauthaler (University of Leipzig)

Report Papers and Slides

Call for Participation

Important Dates

NOTE: Due to the nature of the competition, schedule can be subject to further modification. Please check this site out often for news and updates.

Competition Format and Benchmark Suite

Competition Categories

The Competition consists of two categories, each one featuring four tracks. In particular, the categories depend on the computational resources allowed:

Of course parallel systems can participate in tracks of MP category, and similarly non-parallel systems can participate in tracks of SP category. The categorization deals with the allowed processors to a system for each run.

Competition Tracks

The ASP Competition Series consisted usually of (sub)-Tracks conceived on the basis of the "complexity" of problems; in the light of the work spent by the community on language standardization, this edition takes rather into consideration language features.

As stated by the Call for Participation, according to the availability of benchmarks, to submitted systems, and to participants feedback, both categories of the competition are hence structured into four tracks:

Instance Selection

Instances have been randomly selected from the already available official ASPCOMP 2013 suite: the piece of software used for this task is available here. The seed used for randomization is 13152024460108, as the concatenation of the winning numbers of the Euromillion lottery of Tuesday, 22nd April 2014 (see Euromillion Lottery website).

Benchmark Suite

Note: For descriptions and further details about problems please refer to the ASPCOMP 2013 Official Problem Suite, except for Partner Units, that comes from the ASPCOMP 2011 Official Problem Suite. For more details, please refer to reports.



2013 Encoding - (Track)

2014 Encoding - (Track)



basic, non-tight (1)

basic, non-tight (1)

Stable Marriage


basic (1)

basic (1)

Bottle Filling


aggr (2)

aggr, choice (2)

Graceful Graphs


choice (2)

choice (2)

Graph Colouring


disj (2)

basic (1)

Hanoi Tower


disj (2)

basic (1)

Incremental Scheduling


aggr, choice (2)

aggr, choice (2)

Knight Tour with Holes


disj, non-tight (2)

basic, non-tight (1)



aggr, choice (2)

choice (2)

Partner Units


aggr, disj, non-tight (2)

aggr, choice (2)

Permutation Pattern Matching


choice (2)

choice (2)

Qualitative Spatial Reasoning


choice, disj (2)

disj (2)



non-tight (2)


Ricochet Robots


choice (2)

aggr, choice (2)



aggr, choice (2)

choice (2)



choice (2)

aggr, choice (2)



aggr, choice (2)

basic (1)

Weighted-Sequence Problem


choice (2)

aggr, choice (2)

Connected Still Life


aggr, choice, non-tight (3)

aggr, choice, non-tight (3)

Crossing Minimization


disj (3)

aggr, choice (3)

Maximal Clique


disj (3)

basic (3)

Valves Location


aggr, choice, non-tight (3)

aggr, choice, non-tight (3)

Abstract Dialectical Frameworks


aggr, disj, level, non-tight (4)

aggr, disj, level, non-tight (4)

Complex Optimization


choice, disj, non-tight (4)

choice, disj, non-tight (4)

Minimal Diagnosis


disj, non-tight (4)

disj, non-tight (4)

Strategic Companies


disj, non-tight (4)


D: Decision - Q: Query Answering - O: Optimization

Participants, Encodings, Instance Sets

Participant Teams

The competition featured 16 systems coming from three teams.

NOTE: In order to assess the improvements in system implementation, we also ran a selection of systems that were submitted in the Fourth ASP Competition. In particular, we considered one system per team selected according to the following criteria:

For further details and proper discussion, please refer to the competition reports available here.

Full stuff

Please find here everything needed for the sake of reproducibility:

NOTE: full instance set for Reachability is available here.

Rules, Scoring and Details

Rules and Scoring

Please find details about rules and scoring here.

Input/Output format

Input and Output formats do not significantly change with respect to ASPCOMP 2013.

Input format

Input format do not change w.r.t. last edition. Please find further info via the official ASPCOMP 2013 website:

Output format

Expected output is almost the same as the one from last edition: see note below. Please find last specs via the official ASPCOMP 2013 website:


Exit Code 30 is now allowed also in case of decision problems.

Please have a look at the ASPCOMP 2013 ASP standardization page.

Application and Submission Procedure

Application Procedure

Participants willing to apply for the competition can send an email (starting from March 1st, 2014) to this address specifying:

Applicants will get a private e-mail with the instructions for submitting systems and login credentials for accessing our Competition server through ssh.

System Package(s) submission

Once received the instructions via e-mail, participants can log in onto the competition hardware system, and are free to use their account for building, testing, and submitting systems packages purposes; access is avalaible until the day before the competition starts.

In order to properly submit a system package, participants must create a sub-directory with the name of the system at hand in the directory "submission" of their home. In case of several systems submissions, participants must create a sub-directory for each system.

Reminder: participants can log in and update their submission until the competition starts. Please check the deadline out in the above section.

Package Structure

The structure of each submission package must be the following:

      └ bin
          └ run
          └ mysolver
          └ my_helper_tool

A package should contain at least a folder named bin. The package is expected to be launched with the same configuration for all the benchmark domains, i.e., the package must comprise all files required for running the submitted system, on any problem encoding and any problem instance.

Command Line

The main script "run" takes three arguments:

Of course, participants are free to design submitted scripts in order to take into account the three arguments, or not.

A problem instance in the prescribed format is fed to run's standard input. The output of each run must be printed to standard output, and a proper exit code must be issued, according to the competition format.

More details on input and output are available in the proper section.

An example of run script is available here.


Organizing Committee

The Fifth Answer Set Programming Competition is hosted and regulated jointly by Aalto University (Finland), University of Calabria (Italy) and University of Genova (Italy).


Email and Contacts