Academic Staff

William Spataro

Email: william.spataro[AT]
Web: Personal site, LinkedIn

Parallel Computing, Modeling, Numerical Simulation, Cellular Automata, Genetic Algorithms

My research is located within the Computational Science field and, therefore, in a interdisciplinary context, touching a variety of fields: from modeling to Parallel Computing, from optimization to the study of complex systems. However, the current representative research regards computer science applications (mostly by means of Parallel Computing) to the modeling and simulation of geological processes, studies that are having an increasing interest in the scientific community, both for theoretical aspects and, more specifically, for possible applications related to the assessment and mitigation of geological events (such as debris flows, invasion lava, pyroclastic flows, floods, etc.)


Teaching - Academic Year 2019/2020:

SPATARO (l'ultima modifica รจ del 2020-03-12 10:09:28, fatta da OrtenziaCristiano)