DLV-Complex: The Project

DLV-Complex is an Answer Set Programming System extending DLV by means of functions. It is a very powerful ASP system supporting (recursive) functions, sets, and lists, along with libraries for their manipulations. DLV-Complex is based on the DLV system and on the DLV-EX framework, from which it inherits the possibility of defining external predicates.

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The Team

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DLV-Complex is actively developed. To receive notifications about new releases and other important events regarding DLV-Complex, just have a look at this page, or drop us a note here.

Please always use the most current version of DLV-Complex (cf. version history).

Latest Version

Standard Version

We currently provide a command-line version in binary form for Linux, Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP/Vista and Mac OS.

Static Version

We offer also a statically linked executable (currently only linux and windows versions), that includes list and set manipulation libraries. This version do not need any pre-installed dynamic library on your system; in addition, it is self-contained, meaning that you do not need to download any library (such as those below) in order to enjoy full lists and set support. It is ready-to-use. :) Nevertheless, this version do not support external predicates/libraries (see DLV-EX page).

Latest Libraries

Developing New External Predicates and Libraries

You can find below everything is necessary in order to develop and build your own external dynamic libraries.

Built-in Development Kit


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Documentation & Examples

We provide here a quick reference guide, a short tutorial and some examples. Documentation and examples will be updated accordingly to the evolution of the system, so check them out periodically. Documentation about the creation of new built-in libraries is included in the development kit.

For a full documentation on DLV please visit the official web page.

Reference Guide and Tutorial


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Fix a bug that prevented to declare lists with more than 60 elements. Improve stability.

Fix a bug in the Mac OS version. Update Built-In Development Kit for all platforms.

Add built-in development kit for windows, linux and mac os.

Release MacOS version of March 03, 2010.

Fix instantiation bug while dealing with rules featuring both assignment aggregates and external built-in. Improve stability. MacOS version to be released soon.

Start moving towards new functional built-in approach, in order to meet official DLV future standards. Fix some nasty bugs involving the interaction between built-ins and aggregates. Further improve stability.

Improve stability. Remove some useless #MAXINT restrictions. Release a static version.

Minor bugfixes (some in finite-domain checker).

Improve finite-domain checker. Nicefy help messages. Several bugfixes.

First beta version.

...did not carry a real version identification.

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Drop us a note at calimeri{at}mat.unical.it

mat.unical.it dlv-complex: dlv-complex (last edited 2018-01-16 14:27:18 by FrancescoCalimeri)