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File to load page content from
Page name

Revision 3 as of 2009-11-21 21:44:07

location: IdeasFoundry

Compute h-index on Google Scholar

If you want to directly install the script:

  1. Have your Firefox browser ready and installed.
  2. Install the nice [GreaseMonkey] plugin on your browser, and restart Firefox.

  3. Click on the script link for installing it.
  4. To have accurate results, set your Google Scholar preferences on the number of results to 100.

Now, whenever you submit a query to scholar, you should see the corresponding citation indices on top of the page. Note that indices values might differ from those of software tools like Publish or Perish. This latter program is hardwired to query scholar.google.com no matter which is your actual locale. Results from your local google.* might differ.

Available on userscripts.org [http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/59378 here].


My student Luca Rubino designed under my supervision this nice (Microsoft) Windows arrangement [http://www.lkrprojects.com/home.html Tool]. Note that this is NOT the usual arrangement tool based on predefined layouts. As soon as you resize a window, the others are automatically arranged according to you favourite options.