WP7. INFOMIX prototype
The principal result of the workpackage is a component-based working prototype of the INFOMIX system demonstrating feasibility of all key algorithms and data structures defined during the project research tasks. The kernel of the system will be developed in C++ to achieve better performance; while user interfaces and data-extraction modules will be based on Java components. The working prototype is to be demonstrated in a test environment corresponding to envisaged realistic information integration application architecture.
Description of work
TASK 1: Design and implementation of the IIM Management Layer. (Task Leader RODAN) All required integration management software components will be developed and tested. The IIMManagement Layer provides automatic support to the verification of coherency, redundancy and adequacy of the application specification, and gives also support to the user for formulating and reformulating the queries expressed on the global views in terms of queries at the sources. The layer uses a computational logic system, based on logic programming, to support advanced forms of reasoning.
TASK 2: Design and Implementation of the Integration Layer. (Task Leader UNICAL) The Integration Layer is the computational kernel of the INFOMIX system, which performs query executions and the main tasks at the data level. Since the internal integration formalism is based on an (extension of a) declarative computational logic language, a main module of this layer will have to be a powerful computational logic system. The entire implementation of such a powerful computational logic system from scratch would be very expensive and cannot not be carried out within the INFOMIX project (it would require a project by its own). The project avoids unnecessary mundane effort of the software development, wherever possible. Hence, the starting point will be adaptation of the selected computational logic tools, which will have to be extended to support all features specified in workpackage WP4, and adapted to the information integration framework of INFOMIX.
TASK 3: Design and implementation of the Data Acquisition and Transformation (DAT) Layer. (Task Leader RODAN) The DAT layer of the INFOMIX architecture will be designed around an internal integration model data representation. It must provide facilities to capture and transform heterogeneous data structures selected for integration. The source data structures are to comprise the formatted data models as well as semistructured (i.e. XML) data.
TASK 4: Integration of the INFOMIX Layers. (Task Leader RODAN) The INFOMIX components will be integrated into a working prototype architecture and the appropriate integration tests will be performed. The prototype will be made available on the project web site to all INFOMIX project partners. It is assumed that all principal features of the prototype will be made accessible with the use of an XML-enabled Internet browser.
D7.1- IIM Management Layer prototype (Prototype). The software components implementing the IIM Management Layer of INFOMIX will be released.
D7.2- Integration Layer prototype (Prototype). The software components implementing the Integration Layer of INFOMIX will be released.
D7.3- Data Acquisition Layer prototype (Prototype). The software components implementing the Data Acquisition Layer of INFOMIX will be released.
D7.4- INFOMIX prototype system (Prototype). The integrated software platform implementing the IIM Management Layer of INFOMIX will be released, and installed at the sites of all project partners.
D7.5- INFOMIX prototype system documentation (Report). The report will provide both the technical system documentation and the user manual.
Milestones and expected results
M5 - Acceptance of the INFOMIX prototype. Acceptance of the INFOMIX prototype will allow the development of user applications enabling the start of the assessment and dissemination phase. The key research results established during the INFOMIX project will be validated in practice.