#acl BusinessIntelligenceAndAnalytics2/ReadWriteGroup:read,write,admin,delete,revert All:read == Business Intelligence And Analytics (Data Mining) == <> === Course Information === '''Professor''': Pasquale Rullo. '''Office hours''': by appointment. '''Assistant professor''': Ettore Ritacco '''Office hours''': by appointment. '''[[http://www.unical.it/portale/portaltemplates/view/view_scheda_insegnamento.cfm?44772|Course Details]]''' <
> === News === * '''7-th June''' * Project teams are building up: please, if you are not already registered, let me know which is your group, if you want to create a new group or if you are willing to join a group * '''12-th June - Exam deadlines''' * The CRISP-DM documentation deadlines are: 27-th of June (first session), 19-th of July (second session) * Project presentation and oral proof will take place on: 2-nd of July (first session), 24-th of July (second session) * After these dates, we must agree on a new project * The project evaluation expires on March 2020 or if you are willing to do a new project * '''27-th June - Exam deadline change''' * The first session date of the exam (project presentation and oral proof) was changed to the 3rd of July, 14:30 at the prof. Rullo's office * '''3-rd July - Exam deadline change''' * The second session date of the exam (project presentation and oral proof) was changed to the 25th of July, 14:30 at the prof. Rullo's office <
> === Teaching material === ==== Slides ==== ==== Lab Activities ==== * Lesson 1 [ [[attachment:Lab-01 Introduction.pdf]] ] * Introduction to the Data Mining * DIKW model * CRISP-DM Methodology * Lesson 2 [ [[attachment:Lab-02 Data Understanding.pdf]] ] * Data Exploratory Analysis * Data Visualization * Lesson 3 [ [[attachment:Lab-03 Data Preparation.pdf]] ] * Data Manipulation * Data Transformation * Data Cleaning * Lesson 4 [ [[attachment:Lab-04 Estimation Theory.pdf]] ] * Probability theory overview * Probability distributions * Estimation and optimization * Lesson 5 [ [[attachment:Lab-05 Case study - Drug.pdf]] ], [ [[attachment:drug.csv]] ], [ [[attachment:CaseStudy1_Drug.ipynb]] ], [ [[attachment:CaseStudy1_Drug.py]] ], [ [[attachment:plot_utility.py]] ] * Software: Python (SciPy, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, SKLearn), PyCharm, Jupyter Notebook * A case study for CRISP-DM Methodology - Drug * Lesson 6 [ [[attachment:Lab-06 Case study - Churn Analysis.pdf]] ], [ [[attachment:churn.cvs]] ], [ [[attachment:CaseStudy2_Mobile.ipynb]] ] * A case study about the attrition problem of a mobile company * Note: [ [[attachment:plot_utility.py]] ] has been updated * Lesson 7 [ [[attachment:segment.csv]] ], [ [[attachment:Lab-07 Case study - Image Segmentation.pdf]] ] * Guided exercise in class about image classification * Lesson 8 [ [[attachment:Lab-08 Evaluation.pdf]] ] * Model evaluation * Lesson 9 [ [[attachment:Lab-09 Project.pdf]] ] * Project specifications * Roc curve * Note: [ [[attachment:plot_utility.py]] ] and [ [[attachment:CaseStudy2_Mobile.ipynb]] ] have been updated * Lesson 10 * Project * Note [ [[attachment:CaseStudy2_Mobile.ipynb]] ] has been updated * Recommender Systems [[https://towardsdatascience.com/prototyping-a-recommender-system-step-by-step-part-1-knn-item-based-collaborative-filtering-637969614ea|KNN approach]], [[https://towardsdatascience.com/prototyping-a-recommender-system-step-by-step-part-2-alternating-least-square-als-matrix-4a76c58714a1|Matrix factorization approach]]