== Temi di tesi e stage - Salvatore Di Gregorio == <
> === Tesi Laurea Triennale === * Una estensione tridimensionale di un modello bidimensionale ad Automi Cellulari preda-predatore (banco di aringhe/orca) === Masters Thesis === * Emergence of a hierarchy in smallest artificial societies of rats: modelling and simulation of experiments about the operating conditioning of rats by a mixed model, cellular automata and neural nets. ( In co-operation with the Dept. of Psychology, University of Palermo, presumably). * Modelling and simulation of possible malaria spread in the Cosenza/Rende territory. ( In co-operation with the Dept. of Biology, Ecology and Earth Sciences, UNICAL, presumably) * Tradeoff space-time for "elementary" operations within a Cellular Automata environment. (Theoretical Computing Science). * Rivisiting geological applications of the algorithm of minimisation of differences for efficient simplifications. <