Project Description

The availability of internet connection is widespread nowadays, and it the use of web-based services for CPU intensive tasks is quite common.

As a result, also code editors for many different programming languages are available to be used via a web browser (Codeanywhere, JSFiddle, Cloud9, JS Bin, CSSDesk, RegExr, codepad, JSHint,, Nitrous, CodeBunk, ...), and logic programming is covered to some extent (see, e.g., IDP Web-IDE, SWISH or the LogicBlox Playground).

There are also some examples for Answer Set Programming (ASP) programs like Clingo in the Browser and Answer Set Programming for the Semantic Web - Tutorial, but these are quite "simplistic" and in an early stage of development.


The aim of the thesis work is to develop a web based IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for ASP (Answer Set Programming). The project will start with a simple code editor and it’ll grow based on the skills of the candidate (there are a lot of features that can be added).

The candidate will be in charge of developing both the frontend and the backend of the web application.


The frontend should make use of modern web technologies (like CodeMirror or Ace as text editor, specific JavaScript/Web Frameworks, obviously HTML5 and CSS3, …) and should work properly both in mobile and desktop environments.

The backend should be implemented by means of an appropriate Programming Language (the choice can be made by the candidate upon agreement, starting from the one that she consider the best for this task).


It is worth noting that if the web application is designed and implemented in a proper way, it could easily become a Universal Windows app; this would bring more prestige to the work.

Another improvement could be the creation of a web tutorial (like the one in the IDP Web-IDE or the one of LogiQL in 30 minutes).