== Stages == During the Doctor’s Degree, students follow courses and other highly specialised training [[Training|activities]], aimed both at the consolidation and deepening of basic knowledge and at the launching of research. Training periods are provided for at foreign [[Partnerships|Universities, Institutes and/or Research Structures]] (Italian or foreign) with a duration of no longer than18 months. Work experience is provided for at Institutes and/or Research Structures (Italian or foreign) and at private structures, in accordance with the arrangements already stipulated or in the process of being stipulated. <
> === Recent stages and short visits of our Ph.D. students === * FRANCESCO ESPOSITO (XXXII cycle), FRANCIA, [[https://www.u-picardie.fr/universite-de-picardie-jules-verne-290591.kjsp|Université de Picardie Jules Verne di Amiens]], apr 2019/May 2019 * RICCARDO BERTOLUCCI(XXXII cycle), INGHILTERRA, [[https://www.hud.ac.uk/|Università di Huddesfield]], feb 2019/apr 2019 * ALDO MARZULLO(XXXII cycle), FRANCIA, [[http://www.universite-lyon.fr/formation/universite-claude-bernard-lyon-1-141310.kjsp|CERMEP, CREATIS, Universite Claude Bernand Lyon]], sep-18/mar-19 * BERNARDO CUTERI (XXXI cycle), AUSTRIA, [[http://www.tuwien.ac.at/|University of Thecnology (Vienna)]], mar-2018/jun-2018 * FRANCESCO ESPOSITO (XXXII cycle), FRANCIA, [[https://www.u-picardie.fr/universite-de-picardie-jules-verne-290591.kjsp|Université de Picardie Jules Verne di Amiens]], apr 2018/May 2018 * ROSARIO PARADISO(XXXII cycle), OLANDA, [[https://www.vu.nl/en/|Vrije Universiteit di Amsterdam]], oct 2017/Nov 2018 * DAVIDE FUSCA'(XXX cycle), INGHILTERRA, [[https://www.hud.ac.uk/|Università di Huddesfield]], july 2017/oct 2017 * JESSICA ZANGARI(XXX cycle), INGHILTERRA, [[https://www.hud.ac.uk/|Università di Huddesfield]], july 2017/oct 2017 * ANNARITA DE MAIO(XXX cycle), CANADA, [[https://www.ulaval.ca/en/research/research-groups-and-chairs/research-and-innovation-chairs.html/|l’Université Laval, Cirrelt and Canada Research Chair in Integrated Logistic]], feb 2017/June 2017 * SHAHABAZIAN REZA(XXXII cycle), IRAN, [[http://en.sbu.ac.ir/sitepages/home.aspx/|Department of Telecommunications, Shahid Beheshti University]], may 2017/nov 2017 * GIUSY MACRINA (XXX cycle), CANADA, [[https://www.cirrelt.ca/|Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche sur les Réseaux d’Enterprise, la Logistique et le Transport]], apr 2017/may 2017 * DAVIDE SPATARO (XXX cycle), INGHILTERRA, [[http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/|Dipartimento di Informatica dell’ Università di Warwick]], June 2017/aug 2017 * ALESSIO DE RANGO(XXXI cycle), INGHILTERRA, [[http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/|Dipartimento di Informatica dell’ Università di Warwick]], jan 2017/jul 2017 * ROBERTA ZACCONE(XXX cycle), SPAGNA, [[http://www.uv.es/anamat/|Dipartimento di Analisi Matematica dell'Università di Valencia]], oct-01-2016/mar-01-2017 * FRANCESCO CAUTERUCCIO(XXX cycle), FRANCIA, [[http://www.universite-lyon.fr/formation/universite-claude-bernard-lyon-1-141310.kjsp|CERMEP, CREATIS, Universite Claude Bernand Lyon]], sep-16/jan-17 * ANNARITA DE MAIO(XXX cycle), BELGIO, [[http://fbnl.pgcareers.com/functions-at-pg/research-development/|Istituto di Ricerca SNIC - Supply Network Innovation Centre - Procter & Gamble - Bruxelles]], nov-05-2016/dec-05-2016 * STEFANO GERMANO (XXX cycle), INGHILTERRA, [[https://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/|Department of Computer Science]], [[http://www.ox.ac.uk/|University of Oxford]], jul-16/sep-16 * MAREK ADRIAN (XXIX cycle), POLONIA, [[http://uw.edu.pl/|University of Warsaw]], jul-16/sep-16 * WERONIKA ADRIAN (XXIX cycle), POLONIA, [[https://www.agh.edu.pl/| AGH University of Science and Technology]], jul-16/sep-16 * GIUSY MACRINA (XXX cycle), CANADA, [[https://www.cirrelt.ca/|Universitè de Montréal]], oct-15/apr-16 * FEDERICO INFUSINO (XXX cycle), FRANCIA, [[http://unice.fr/|Nice Sophia Antipolis University OF Nizza]], jan-16/jun-16 * DAVIDE SPATARO (XXX cycle), INGHILTERRA, [[http://www.ed.ac.uk/home/|University of Edimburgh]], nov-11-2015/jul-9-2016 * STEFANO GERMANO (XXX cycle), IRLANDA, [[https://www.insight-centre.org/|Insight Centre for Data Analytics]], [[http://www.nuigalway.ie/|National University of Ireland Galway]], jan-15/jul-15 * ANGELA RUGIANO (XXVIII cycle), SPAGNA, [[http://www.uv.es/|University of Valencia]], sept-14/mar-15 * CARMINE DODARO (XXVII cycle), AUSTRIA, [[http://www.tuwien.ac.at/|University of Thecnology (Vienna)]], jul-14/aug-14 * BARBARA NARDI (XXVII cycle), AUSTRIA, [[http://www.tuwien.ac.at/|University of Thecnology (Vienna)]], mar-14/sept-14 * GIOVANNI AMENDOLA (XXIX cycle), AUSTRIA, [[http://www.tuwien.ac.at/|University of Thecnology (Vienna)]], jan-14/jan-14 * MARIA RITA IACO' (XXVII cycle), AUSTRIA, [[http://www.tugraz.at/|Graz University of Technology]], jan-14/sept-14 * FABIO CALDAROLA (XXV cycle), FRANCIA, [[http://lmb.univ-fcomte.fr/|Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Besancon]], dec-13/dec-13 * FABIO CALDAROLA (XXV cycle), FRANCIA, 28th Journées Arithmétiques, Grenoble, jul-13/jul-13 * CARMINE DODARO (XXVII cycle), IRLANDA, [[http://www.ucd.ie/casl/|Complex and Adaptive Systems Laboratory - University College of Dublin]], apr-13/oct-13 * FILOMENA DI TOMMASO ( XXVI cycle), INGHILTERRA, [[http://www.ox.ac.uk/|University of Oxford]] - Mathematical Insitute, jan-13/jul-13 * FABIO CALDAROLA (XXV cycle), GERMANIA, Iwasawa 2012 Conference, jul-12/aug-12 * GIUSEPPE FILIPPONE (XXVI cycle), INGHILTERRA, [[http://www1.plymouth.ac.uk|Centre of Robotics and Neural Systems, School of Computing and Mathematics, University of Plymouth]], may-12/oct-13 * FILOMENA DI TOMMASO (XXVI cycle), SVIZZERA, [[http://www.usi.ch/|Università della Svizzera Italiana]], jan-12/jul-12 * FABIO CALDAROLA (XXV cycle), LITUANIA, 27th Journées Arithmétiques, Vilnius, jun-11/jul-11 * CATERINA NARDI (XXV cycle), GERMANIA, [[http://www.uni-rostock.de/|University of Rostock]], apr-11/jul-13 * MARIA VALENTINO (XXV cycle), GERMANIA, [[http://www.uni-heidelberg.de/university|University of Heidelberg]], apr-11/jul-11 * MASCIA GRANDINETTI (XXIV cycle), SPAGNA, [[http://www.uam.es/|Universidad Autonoma de Madrid]], oct-10/feb-11 * RENATO UMETON (XXIII cycle), USA, [[http://web.mit.edu/|Massachusetts Institute of Technology]], apr-09/ott-10 * GIOVANNI GRASSO (XXIII cycle), INGHILTERRA, [[http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/|Oxford University Computing Laboratory]] and [[http://www.oxford-man.ox.ac.uk/|Oxford-Man Institute of Quantitative Finance]], apr-09/oct-10