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Master's Degree in Mathematics


Brief description
The Master's Degree Program in Mathematics (Laurea Magistrale in Matematica, Classe LM-40) of the University of Calabria offers the possibility to personalize the study path. The qualifying objective of the program is to offer a broad, non-monothematic preparation in Mathematics, yet allowing knowledge of some of the most important topics of the current research in Mathematics. The course of study is delivered in English and is structured in such a way as to be accessible also by students who come from related degrees. During the studies it is possible to acquire advanced notions of Algebra, Mathematical Analysis, Geometry, Mathematical Physics, Numerical Analysis and Probability and Stochastic Processes. The students can personalize their educational path by inserting a suitable number of optional courses. The personalization of the training path can take place, in accordance with the student's aspirations and job expectations, in the following three main areas:

Study plans
In order to graduate the students must acquire 120 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits. For the Academic Year 2022/23 the Department offers the following three Curricula which correspond to the three areas above mentioned:

  1. Pure Mathematics

  2. Applied Mathematics

  3. Mathematical Education

Admission requirements
Those who have a Bachelor Degree in Mathematics can be admitted to the Master's Degree Course in Mathematics. Those who hold a degree in a related discipline can also be considered, provided they have an adequate knowledge of Mathematics. In particular they need to have acquired at least 54 ECTS in the following sectors: MAT/01-09, INF/01, ING-INF/05, FIS/01-08 and SECS-S/01-06 of which no less than 30 in the sectors MAT/01-09.

Candidates are also required to be able to use the English language fluently, in both written and oral form. More precisely, the level of linguistic knowledge required upon entry is at least equal to level B2.

The above requirements, and the adequacy of the student's initial preparation, will be assessed by means of a test whose contents, date and procedures are defined annually in the admission announcement.

The Call for Extra-EU Students is available on the UnicalAdmission Page.