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location: FinalProblemDescriptions / AirportPickup

Airport Pickup

Problem Description

A planning problem that involves moving objects around a weighted graph.

Imagine a city composed of locations and possible driveways between these locations. Two of these locations are Airports and some are Gas Stations. A set of passengers are waiting in Airport #1 and Airport #2. Passengers from Airport #1 need to reach Airport #2 and vice versa.

A set of vehicles are located around the city. Each of these vehicles can pick and transport one passenger at a time.

Driving a vehicle between two city locations costs the vehicle certain amount of gasoline. Initially, all vehicles have certain amount of gasoline already in them. If a vehicle runs out of gasoline, it cannot be driven anymore. Vehicles can re-fill gasoline at a Gas Station.

Find a plan to drive the vehicles and move all the passengers to their respective destinations.

A problem instance consists of a description of a city (a weighted undirected graph), information about which locations in the city are Airports and Gas Stations, and statements about the location and status of vehicles and passengers.


Input format

A. Atoms to describe the city:

  1. location(L) listing the names of locations.

  2. driveway(L1, L2, D) where L1 and L2 are locations, indicating that it is possible to drive from L1 to L2 ( and from L2 to L1 ) and that the gasoline cost from L1 to L2 is D. 0 < D <= 100.

  3. airport(L) indicating that location L is an airport. (there will be exactly 2 locations listed as airports)

  4. gasstation(L) indicating that location L is a gas station.

B. Atoms to describe the passengers:

  1. passenger(P) listing the names of passengers

  2. init_at(P,L) stating that passenger P is initially at location L, where L is an airport.

C. Atoms to describe the vehicles:

  1. vehicle(V, M) stating that V is a vehicle and its maximum gasoline capacity is M, 100 < M <= 500.

  2. init_at(V, L) stating that vehicle V is initially at location L.

  3. init_gas(V, G) indicating that initially, vehicle V has G units of gasoline. 0<= G <= M. where M is the maximum gasoline capacity of the vehicle.

Output format

The output format is a sequence of instructions to drive the cars and move the passengers. This sequence is formed with the atoms drive(V,L,S), pick(V,P), drop(V,P) and refuel(V,S) where:

A. drive(V,L,S) indicates vehicle V drives to location L at step S of the instruction sequence. This action is possible only if V is in a location adjacent to L at step S. It is not possible for a vehicle V to be driven at the same time it is being refueled or is picking or dropping a passenger. In other words, for a vehicle x it is not possible for drive(x,L,S) to appear with pick(x,P,S), drop(x,P,S) or refuel(x,S) in the same step in the output sequence.

B. pick(V,P,S) indicates vehicle V picks passenger P at step S. This action is possible only if V and P are at the same location at step S.

C. drop(V,P,S) indicates vehicle V drops passenger P at step S. This action is possible only if V is carrying P at step S.

D. refuel(V,S) indicated vehicle V fills up its gas tank at step S of the sequence.

This action is only possible if V is at a gas station.

Time steps are given as integers starting from 0.


Example #1


location(1). location(2). location(3). location(4).
airport(1). airport(4).


vehicle(taxi_1, 100).
init_at(taxi_1, 2).  init_gas(taxi_1, 50).


drive(taxi_1, 1, 0).   
pick(taxi_1, a, 1). 
drive(taxi_1, 2, 2).   
drive(taxi_1, 3, 3).   
refuel(taxi_1, 4)      
drive(taxi_1, 4, 5).   
drop(taxi_1, a, 6). 

Example #2


location(1). location(2). location(3). location(4).
airport(1). airport(4).

passenger(a).  init_at(a,1).
passenger(b).  init_at(b,4).

vehicle(taxi_1, 100). init_at(taxi_1, 1).  init_gas(taxi_1, 50).
vehicle(taxi_2, 80).  init_at(taxi_2, 4).  init_gas(taxi_2, 80). 


pick(taxi_1, a, 0).    pick(taxi_2, b, 0).
drive(taxi_1, 2, 1).   drive(taxi_2, 3, 1).   
drive(taxi_1, 3, 2).   drive(taxi_2, 2, 2).         
drive(taxi_1, 4, 3).   drive(taxi_2, 1, 3).   
drop(taxi_1, a, 4).    drop(taxi_2, b, 4). 

Notes and Updates


ASP Competition 2011: FinalProblemDescriptions/AirportPickup (last edited 2011-03-19 18:02:38 by GiovambattistaIanni)