Currently, I serve as Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (DeMaCS) of the University of Calabria. My address there is:
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science - University of CalabriaVia Pietro Bucci, cubo 30B
87036 Rende (CS) - Italy
Phone: +39 0984 496478
Email: francesco.calimeri@unical.it
Biographical Sketch.
My name is Francesco Calimeri. I was born in Lamezia Terme, Calabria (southern Italy). After primary schools, I went to secondary (high) school in Lamezia Terme; I received my graduation from Liceo Ginnasio "F. Fiorentino". I received from University of Calabria my "Laurea" degree (pretty equivalent to an Msc degree) in "Ingegneria Informatica" (Computer Science Engineering), and my PhD in Mathematics and Informatics. My research activities have been carried out both in Italy and abroad.
Besides many teaching and tutoring activities, I am (and have been) involved in several research projects, and in the technology transfer mission, playing both from within the academia and as CEO of DLVsystem ltd.
Research Interests.
Present and past, necessarily incomplete, and in no particular order:
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Answer Set Programming (ASP)
- Logic Programming
- Nonmonotonic Reasoning
- Deductive Databases
- Bioinformatics
- Applications in Health and Biomedical domains
- AI and Games
- Data & Information Retrieval, (Web) Agents
- Ontologies
- the the AiM@DeMaCS page
- the DeMaCS page
Some Projects.
This is a (partial!) list featuring some of the projects I am (or have been)
Please have a look at the github page of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of University of Calabria, with some other projects I am involved in: https://github.com/DeMaCS-UNICAL.
- The DLV system
- DLV 2
- LoIDE (see also on github)
- EmbASP
- DLV-Complex
- The DLT Project
Look at these sources:
- my DBLP page
- my Google Scholar page
- my SCOPUS profile (scopus ID: 8685471300)
- my ORCID iD
- IRIS @ unical.it
Teaching Activities / Attività Didattica (also in Italiano).
Didattica - Per i corsi da me tenuti, o in cui sono (o sono stato) coinvolto, si faccia riferimento alla pagina dedicata.
And these are some odd links.
- My foaf card (see the foaf project).
- A link to experiment with self-reference. ;)