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Allegato "solNov2010.cpp"


   1 /*
   2  * main.cpp
   3  *
   4  *  Created on: Jun 16, 2011
   5  *      Author: ianni
   6  */
   7 #include <JTC/JTC.h>
   8 #include <iostream>
   9 #include <string>
  10 #include <stdlib.h>
  11 #include <time.h>
  13 using namespace std;
  15 #define LEN 40
  17 template <class T>
  18 class Buffer : public JTCMonitor
  20 {
  21 	T thebuffer[LEN];
  22 	int in;
  23 	int out;
  24 	int elements;
  26 public:
  27 	Buffer(T initValue)
  28 	{
  29 		in = 0;
  30 		out = 0;
  31 		elements = 0;
  32 		for(int i = 0; i < LEN; i++)
  33 			thebuffer[i] = initValue;
  34 	}
  36 	T get()
  37 	{
  38 		JTCSynchronized sync(*this);
  39 		while (elements == 0) {
  40 			wait();
  41 		}
  42 		elements--;
  43 		T c = thebuffer[out];
  44 		out = ( out + 1 ) % LEN;
  45 		notify();
  46 		return c;
  47 	}
  49 	void put(T c)
  50 	{
  51 		JTCSynchronized sync(*this);
  52 		while (elements == LEN) {
  53 			wait();
  54 		}
  55 		elements++;
  56         thebuffer[in] = c;
  57 		in = (in + 1) % LEN;
  58 		notify();
  59 	}
  60 	//
  61 	// Fails instead of blocking if buffer full
  62 	//
  63 	bool nonBlockingPut(T c)
  64 	{
  65 		JTCSynchronized sync(*this);
  66 		if (elements == LEN) {
  67 			return false;
  68 		}
  69 		elements++;
  70         thebuffer[in] = c;
  71 		in = (in + 1) % LEN;
  72 		notify();
  73 		return true;
  74 	}
  76 };
  78 class SBox;
  80 class SProcessor : public JTCThread
  81 {
  82 	SBox *S;
  83 public:
  84 	SProcessor (SBox* s);
  85 	virtual void run();
  86 };
  88 class RandomFrameGenerator : public JTCThread
  90 {
  91 	Buffer<string*>* line;
  92 	char c;
  93 public:
  94 	RandomFrameGenerator(Buffer<string*>* l, char c);
  95 	virtual void run();
  96 };
  99 class SBox : public JTCMonitor
 100 {
 101 	int MEMconnection; // 1 = IN1, 2 = IN2
 102 	int OUTconnection; // 0 = MEM, 1 = IN1, 2 = IN2
 104 public:
 105 	Buffer<string*> IN1;
 106 	Buffer<string*> IN2;
 107 	Buffer<string*> MEM;
 109 	SBox() : IN1(0) , IN2(0) , MEM(0) {};
 110 	void start()
 111 	{
 112 		MEMconnection = 1;
 113 		OUTconnection = 1;
 114 		SProcessor* s = new SProcessor(this);
 115 		RandomFrameGenerator* r1 = new RandomFrameGenerator(&IN1,'@');
 116 		RandomFrameGenerator* r2 = new RandomFrameGenerator(&IN2,'+');
 117 		s->start();
 118 		r1->start();
 119 		r2->start();
 120 	}
 121 	void setOut(int c)
 122 	{
 123 		JTCSynchronized sync(*this);
 124 		OUTconnection = c;
 125 	}
 126 	void setMem(int c)
 127 	{
 128 		JTCSynchronized sync(*this);
 129 		MEMconnection = c;
 130 	}
 131 	int getOut()
 132 	{
 133 		JTCSynchronized sync(*this);
 134 		return OUTconnection;
 135 	}
 136 	int getMem()
 137 	{
 138 		JTCSynchronized sync(*this);
 139 		return MEMconnection;
 140 	}
 142 };
 144 SProcessor::SProcessor (SBox* s)
 145 	{
 146 		S = s;
 147 	}
 148 void SProcessor::run()
 149 	{
 150 		while(true)
 151 		{
 152 			sleep(1000/50); // Sleeps 1/50-th of second;
 153 			string* linea1 = S->IN1.get();
 154 			string* linea2 = S->IN2.get();
 155 			int mem = S->getMem();
 156 			switch(mem)
 157 			{
 158 				//
 159 				// Evita di bloccare lo SProcessor se MEM si riempie.
 160 				//
 161 				case 1:
 162 					if (!S->MEM.nonBlockingPut(linea1))
 163 						cout << "MEM is full" << endl;
 165 					break;
 166 				case 2:
 167 					if (!S->MEM.nonBlockingPut(linea2))
 168 						cout << "MEM is full" << endl;
 169 					break;
 170 			}
 171 			int out = S->getOut();
 172 			switch (out)
 173 			{
 174 				case 0:
 175 					cout << *(S->MEM.get());
 176 					break;
 177 				case 1:
 178 					cout << *linea1;
 179 					break;
 180 				case 2:
 181 					cout << *linea2;
 182 					break;
 183 			}
 184 		}
 185 	}
 189 	RandomFrameGenerator::RandomFrameGenerator(Buffer<string*>* l, char c)
 190 	{
 191 		line = l;
 192 		this->c = c;
 193 	}
 194 	void RandomFrameGenerator::run()
 195 	{
 196 		srand(time(0)*c);
 197 		string theLine;
 198 		while(true)
 199 		{
 200 			//cout << "Cycle " << c << endl;
 201 			for (int i=0; i < 80; i++)
 202 				if (rand() % 2 >= 1)
 203 					theLine += c;
 204 				else theLine += '-';
 205 			theLine += '\n';
 206 			int framerate = 40 + rand() % 21; // random frame rate from 1/40-th to 1/60-th sec.
 207 			sleep(1000/framerate);
 208 			line->put(&theLine);
 209 		}
 210 	}
 213 int main()
 215 {
 216 	JTCInitialize init;
 217 	SBox* s = new SBox();
 218 	s->start();
 219 	JTCThread::sleep(5000);
 220 	s->setOut(2);
 221 	JTCThread::sleep(5000);
 222 	s->setOut(1);
 223 	JTCThread::sleep(5000);
 224 	s->setOut(0);
 225 	cout << "FINE" << endl;
 226 }


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