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= Third Answer Set Programming Competition - 2011 =
= Third (Open) Answer Set Programming Competition - 2011 =
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The Third Answer Set Programming Competition is now '''open''' and '''in the Call for benchmarks''' stage. Important dates can be found here [#schedule|here]] The Third Answer Set Programming Competition is an '''open''' event: any system based on a declarative problem solving language '''can participate'''.
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Answer Set Programming is a well-established paradigm of declarative
programming with close relationship to other declarative modelling paradigms
and languages such as SAT Modulo Theories, Constraint Handling Rules, FO(.),
PDDL and many others.
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Since the first informal editions (Dagstuhl 2002 and 2005), ASP systems compare themselves
in the nowadays customary ASP Competition: the Third ASP Competition will take
place at the University of Calabria (Italy) in the first half of 2011. The
event is the sequel to the ASP Competitions Series, held at the University of
Potsdam in Germany (2006-2007) and at the University of Leuven in Belgium in
2009. The current competition is held in cooperation with the 11th International
Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 11) where the
results will be published.
== Current Status ==
 * <<newicon>> Have a look at [[Pictures|some shots]] from LPNMR'11!
 * The Organizing Committee of the Third Answer Set Programming Competition, held at the [[http://www.mat.unical.it|Department of Mathematics]] of [[http://www.unical.it|University of Calabria]], is pleased to herald final results (publicly announced at [[https://sites.google.com/site/lpnmr11/ |LPNMR 2011]] - Vancouver, BC, Canada). And the winner is... well, have a look at the : [[SystemTrackFinalResults|System Track Official Results]] -- [[Model&SolveTrackFinalResults|Model & Solve Track Official Results]].
 * Competition:
   * System Track: '''over'''.
   * Model & Solve Track: '''over'''.
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''The event is open to ASP systems and any other system based on a
declarative specification paradigm.''
== Official Results ==
  * [[SystemTrackFinalResults|System Track Official Results]]
  * [[Model&SolveTrackFinalResults|Model & Solve Track Official Results]].
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Participants will compete on a selected collection of benchmark problems,
declarative specifications and instances thereof. Before the registration of
competitor systems, there will be a problem selection stage, in which
participants and interested researchers will be able to submit problem
specifications; these will be then selected by the Organizing Committee, after
an informal review and discussion stage.
== Competition Stuff - Quick directions ==
 * Results: for both [[SystemTrackFinalResults|System]] and [[Model&SolveTrackFinalResults|Model & Solve]] tracks, outcomes and standings are provided on the overall, per each category, per each benchmark, and even on an instance-by-instance basis.
 * [[Participants|List of participants]], along with detailed info and ''run packages'' for the sake of reproducibility.
 * [[OfficialProblemSuite|Problem Suite]], featuring the benchmark problems participants compared on. Please find complete descriptions, encodings where available, complete set of instances, and much more.
 * Official [[#awards|Awards]].
 * Info about the competition set-up:
   * [[#schedule|Important Dates]].
   * [[CallforParticipation|Call for participation]].
   * [[ParticipantSubmission|How to participate]].
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The Competition will be constituted by two different sub-competitions,
conceived for promoting some equivalently important, yet orthogonal, aspects:
=== Reports and Slides ===
 * The ''preliminary'' report of the '''System Track''', appeared in the Proceedings of LPNMR'11, is available [[http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-20895-9_46|HERE]].
 * The slides of the talk given at [[https://sites.google.com/site/lpnmr11/ |LPNMR 2011]] - Vancouver, BC, Canada, are available [[attachment:calimeri-ianni-ricca-aspcomp-lpnmr-2011.pdf|HERE]] (PDF file).
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 1. the Model & Solve Competition, held on an open problem encoding, open language basis, and open to any system based on a declarative specification paradigm, and === Pictures ===
 * Pictures: [[Pictures|some shots]] taken at [[https://sites.google.com/site/lpnmr11/ |LPNMR 2011]].
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 1. the System Competition, held on the basis of fixed problem encodings, written in a standard ASP language. <<Anchor(awards)>>
== Awards ==
The 3rd ASP competition is divided into two main sub-tracks (System Track and Model & Solve Track) and awards:
 * The winner of the System Track
 * The winner of the Model & Solve Track
In both competition tracks, winners in the respective subcategories are awarded:
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In the former competition track, the team can choose the best system configuration along with the best encoding for each problem, while, in the latter, the system and its configuration is fixed for all problems. <<Anchor(awards)>>
=== Model & Solve Track ===
 * Winner of the P category (polynomial problems)
 * Winner of the NP category (NP-Hard problems)
 * Winner of the Beyond NP category (more-than-NP-Hard problems)
 * Optimization (Optimization problems)
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Given that the interest towards parallel ASP systems is
increasing, we encourage the submission of parallel
systems as non-competing participants to both the competition tracks.
=== System Track ===
 * Winner of the P category (polynomial problems)
 * Winner of the NP category (NP-Hard problems)
 * Winner of the Beyond NP category (more-than-NP-Hard problems)
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== Model and Solve Competition ==

The Model & Solve Competition is conceived for

(1) fostering existing relationships with communities close to ASP; (2) encourage the development of new ASP constructs or newly devised declarative programming paradigms; (3) let the partipants compete in an open
language, open problem specification regime.

In this track, the specification language and the problem encoding are open to
the choice of participants. Specialized solutions are allowed: however any submitted solution must be based on a declarative specification system. Rankings on the Model and Solve competition should give a fair, objective measure of what one can expect when a system is adjusted with an encoding of choice and with an evaluation technique of choice for the problem at hand.

== System Competition ==

The System Competition is conceived for (1) fostering the introduction of a
standard language for ASP, and the birth of a new working group for defining an
official standard; (2) let the competitors compare each other in fixed

In this track, problem encodings will be fixed for all participants:
specialized solutions on a per-problem basis are not allowed. Problems will be
specified in the two languages ASP-Core (for most problems) and ASP-RFC.
Rankings on the System competition should give a fair, objective measure of
what one can expect when switching from a system to another, while keeping all
other conditions fixed (problem encoding and default solver settings).

=== Standard Languages ===

The major part of the problems will be encoded in ASP-Core,
which collects basic ASP features common in current systems.
A small portion of the problems will be encoded in ASP-RFC to encourage
the standardization of other popular basic features, which differ in syntax and semantics between current systems.

ASP-Core is a conservative extension to the non-ground case of the SCore
language adopted in the First ASP Competition; it complies with the core
language draft specified at LPNMR 2004, and basically refers to the language
specified in the seminal paper Gelfond&Lifschitz 1991; its constructs are
nowadays common in current ASP parsers.
ASP-Core includes: ground queries, disjunctive rules with negation as failure,
strong negation and arithmetic builtins. Terms may be constants and variables

The ASP-RfC format comes in the form of a "Request for Comments" to the ASP
community, and extends ASP-Core with non-ground queries, function symbols and a
limited number of pre-defined aggregate functions. A limited number of problems
specified in ASP-RfC will be selected for the System competition. We do expect
the ASP-RfC format will foster discussion in the community and feed useful
material to the foreseen forthcoming constitution of an ASP standard language
working group.

We understand that the semantics of aggregate atoms is currently subject of
debate in the community: for the sake of the Competition, ASP-RfC programs are
restricted to programs containing non-recursive aggregates where there is
a full semantic agreement. Other reasonable restrictions apply for ensuring
that integers and function symbols are finitely handled. Usage of
full disjunction is circumscribed only to a restricted portion of the
selected benchmarks, and converters to equivalent, non disjunctive formats will be made available to competitors.

== Awards ==

The competition will award a winner for the System Competition and a winner for
the Model & Solve competition.

Further detail can be found in the Detailed Information section.

== Important Dates ==


 * Problem selection stage:

  * December 25th, 2010 - Deadline for problem submission
  * January 3th, 2011 - Publication of temporary list of selected benchmarks
  * January 4-10th, 2011 - Submission of accepted benchmarks in finalized version
  * January 10th, 2011 - Publication of the final list of selected problems

 * Competition stage:

  * February 4th, 2011 - Deadline for Systems submission
  * February 5-25th, 2011 - Competition stage
  * May 16th 2011 - Announcement of results and awards at LPNMR 2011 - Vancouver, BC, Canada.

== Contacts ==
 * [[OrganizingCommittee|Organizing Committee]]
 * Contact the Organizing Committee [[mailto:aspcomp2011_REPLACE_WITH_AT_mat.unical.it |here]].
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   * [[http://www.mat.unical.it/aspcomp2011/files/LanguageSpecifications.pdf|File and language format specifications]]    * [[http://www.mat.unical.it/aspcomp2011/files/LanguageSpecifications-1.20.pdf|File and language format specifications]] (v. 1.20)
     * [[http://www.mat.unical.it/aspcomp2011/files/LanguageSpecifications-1.11.pdf|File and language format specifications]] (v. 1.11)
     * [[http://www.mat.unical.it/aspcomp2011/files/LanguageSpecifications-1.10.pdf|File and language format specifications]] (v. 1.10)
     * [[http://www.mat.unical.it/aspcomp2011/files/LanguageSpecifications-1.01.pdf|File and language format specifications]] (v. 1.01)
     * [[http://www.mat.unical.it/aspcomp2011/files/LanguageSpecifications-1.00.pdf|File and language format specifications]] (v. 1.00)
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 * Former competitions:
   * [[http://asparagus.cs.uni-potsdam.de/contest/|First]] ASP Competition
   * [[http://dtai.cs.kuleuven.be/events/ASP-competition/index.shtml|Second]] ASP Competition

== News and updates ==
 * <<newicon>> May 18, 2011 - Results (announced at [[https://sites.google.com/site/lpnmr11/ |LPNMR 2011]] - Vancouver, BC, Canada) are available. And the winner is... well, have a look at the : [[SystemTrackFinalResults|System Track Official Results]] -- [[Model&SolveTrackFinalResults|Model & Solve Track Official Results]].
 * <<newicon>> May 18, 2011 - Complete [[Participants|list of participants]] available.
 * Mar 05, 2011 - Update [[http://www.mat.unical.it/aspcomp2011/files/LanguageSpecifications.pdf|file and language format specifications]]. Please have a look at the change log.
 * Feb 10, 2011. '''New Deadline extension for the Model & Solve track: March 15th, 2011.''' Note that ''the deadline for the System track does not change''.
 * Feb 4th, 2011. Detailed regulations on memory limits in the [[ParticipationRules|rules]] section.
 * Feb 1st, 2011. Added a clarification regarding randomized systems in the [[ParticipationRules|rules]] section.
 * Jan 28th, 2011. Added a [[https://dtai.cs.kuleuven.be/krr/software/visualisation|tool]] (from KU-Leuven KRR group) for graphically displaying problem solutions, in the [[https://www.mat.unical.it/aspcomp2011/ToolsUtilities|Tools & Utilities]] page.
  * Jan 26th, 2011. Modified [[http://www.mat.unical.it/aspcomp2011/files/LanguageSpecifications.pdf|file and language format specifications]]. Please have a look at the change log.
 * Jan 20th, 2011. [[https://www.mat.unical.it/aspcomp2011/ToolsUtilities|Shifter]] tool updated with enable syntax trasformation option (transforms '<>' into '!=', and 'v' into '|')!
 * Jan 18th, 2011. You can find in the [[OfficialProblemSuite|Official Problem Suite]] the final problem specifications (continously updated). Stay in touch!
 * Jan 10th, 2011. Modified [[http://www.mat.unical.it/aspcomp2011/files/LanguageSpecifications.pdf|file and language format specifications]]. Please have a look at the change log.
 * January 5th, 2011. Released a [[PreliminaryProblemList|preliminary problem list]].

You might want to [[https://www.mat.unical.it/aspcomp2011/FrontPage?action=subscribe|subscribe]] this page
for getting e-mail notifications about news (needs [[https://www.mat.unical.it/aspcomp2011/FrontPage?action=login|opening]] an user account).

== Important Dates ==
 * Problem selection stage:
  * December 31th, 2010 - Deadline for problem submission
  * January 3th, 2011 - Publication of temporary list of selected benchmarks
  * January 4-10th, 2011 - Submission of accepted benchmarks in finalized version
  * January 10th, 2011 - Publication of the final list of selected problems

{{{#!wiki caution

 * Competition stage schedule:
  * February 18th, 2011 - ''System Track Dry Run start''. '''THIS IS NOT THE FINAL DEADLINE''' (See [[#notesOnDryRuns|notes below]]).
  * February 25th, 2011, 23:59 Pacific Standard Time - '''Final''' deadline for Competitors Submission '''to System Competition Track'''.
  * February 26th, 2011 - Start of the unmanned official competition run of the System Track.
  * March 08th, 2011 - ''Model & Solve Dry Run start''. '''THIS IS NOT THE FINAL DEADLINE''' (See [[#notesOnDryRuns|notes below]]).
  * March 28th, 2011, 23:59 Pacific Standard Time - '''Final''' deadline for Competitors Submission '''to Model & Solve Competition Track'''.
  * March 29th, 2011 - Start of the unmanned official competition run of the Model & Solve Track.
  * May 16th 2011 - Announcement of results and awards at [[https://sites.google.com/site/lpnmr11/ |LPNMR 2011]] - Vancouver, BC, Canada.

  * '''NOTES on Dry Runs''' - Systems already submitted and set up by the date of a Dry Run deadline will be automatically tested on official instances featured by the related track (System/Model&Solve). Any problem on the dry run will be privately reported to competitors. Competitors submissions to related track ''will be'' '''not closed''' until the given final deadline of the track; systems not submitted within the Dry Run deadline will simply not undergo the dry run itself.

== Contacts ==
 * [[OrganizingCommittee|Organizing Committee]]
 * Contact the Organizing Committee [[mailto:aspcomp2011_REPLACE_WITH_AT_mat.unical.it |here]].

Third (Open) Answer Set Programming Competition - 2011

The Third Answer Set Programming Competition is an open event: any system based on a declarative problem solving language can participate.

Current Status

Official Results

Competition Stuff - Quick directions

  • Results: for both System and Model & Solve tracks, outcomes and standings are provided on the overall, per each category, per each benchmark, and even on an instance-by-instance basis.

  • List of participants, along with detailed info and run packages for the sake of reproducibility.

  • Problem Suite, featuring the benchmark problems participants compared on. Please find complete descriptions, encodings where available, complete set of instances, and much more.

  • Official Awards.

  • Info about the competition set-up:

Reports and Slides

  • The preliminary report of the System Track, appeared in the Proceedings of LPNMR'11, is available HERE.

  • The slides of the talk given at LPNMR 2011 - Vancouver, BC, Canada, are available HERE (PDF file).



The 3rd ASP competition is divided into two main sub-tracks (System Track and Model & Solve Track) and awards:

  • The winner of the System Track
  • The winner of the Model & Solve Track

In both competition tracks, winners in the respective subcategories are awarded:

Model & Solve Track

  • Winner of the P category (polynomial problems)
  • Winner of the NP category (NP-Hard problems)
  • Winner of the Beyond NP category (more-than-NP-Hard problems)
  • Optimization (Optimization problems)

System Track

  • Winner of the P category (polynomial problems)
  • Winner of the NP category (NP-Hard problems)
  • Winner of the Beyond NP category (more-than-NP-Hard problems)

Detailed Information

News and updates

You might want to subscribe this page for getting e-mail notifications about news (needs opening an user account).

Important Dates

  • Problem selection stage:
    • December 31th, 2010 - Deadline for problem submission
    • January 3th, 2011 - Publication of temporary list of selected benchmarks
    • January 4-10th, 2011 - Submission of accepted benchmarks in finalized version
    • January 10th, 2011 - Publication of the final list of selected problems

  • Competition stage schedule:
    • February 18th, 2011 - System Track Dry Run start. THIS IS NOT THE FINAL DEADLINE (See notes below).

    • February 25th, 2011, 23:59 Pacific Standard Time - Final deadline for Competitors Submission to System Competition Track.

    • February 26th, 2011 - Start of the unmanned official competition run of the System Track.
    • March 08th, 2011 - Model & Solve Dry Run start. THIS IS NOT THE FINAL DEADLINE (See notes below).

    • March 28th, 2011, 23:59 Pacific Standard Time - Final deadline for Competitors Submission to Model & Solve Competition Track.

    • March 29th, 2011 - Start of the unmanned official competition run of the Model & Solve Track.

    • May 16th 2011 - Announcement of results and awards at LPNMR 2011 - Vancouver, BC, Canada.

  • NOTES on Dry Runs - Systems already submitted and set up by the date of a Dry Run deadline will be automatically tested on official instances featured by the related track (System/Model&Solve). Any problem on the dry run will be privately reported to competitors. Competitors submissions to related track will be not closed until the given final deadline of the track; systems not submitted within the Dry Run deadline will simply not undergo the dry run itself.


ASP Competition 2011: FrontPage (last edited 2012-06-22 07:45:46 by GiovambattistaIanni)