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Minimal Diagnosis

Problem Description

This problem is motivated by an existing application in systems biology, described here: http://www.cs.uni-potsdam.de/wv/pdfformat/gescthve10a.pdf

The input is an influence graph provided in terms of facts of the form:

vertex(0). ... vertex(n).
input(i_0). ... input(i_m). 
obs_vlabel(v_0,l_0). ... obs_vlabel(v_j,l_j). 

edge(e_0,e_1). ... edge(e_{k-1},e_k). 
obs_elabel(e_0,e_1,s_(0,1)). ... obs_elabel(e_{k-1},e_k,s_(k-1,k)).

The facts over vertex/1 include consecutive integers in [0,n] as the names of vertices. The values of the following arguments of other facts are also in [0,n]:

i_0,...,i_m, v_0,...,v_j, e_0,...,e_k.

The following vertex labels or edge labels, respectively, are either "p" or "m" each:

l_0,...,l_j, s_(0,1),...,s_(k-1,k).

A total labeling of vertices is a total function f : [0,n] -> {p,m} such that f(vi) = li if a fact obs_vlabel(v_i,l_i) belongs to the input.

The labeling f is consistent for a vertex v in [0,n] if the following holds:

A Minimal Inconsistent Core M is a subset of [0,n] \ {i0,...,im} such that:

Note that vertices in the relation expressed by predicate input/1 cannot belong to a Minimal Inconsistent Core.

A solution, i.e., a Minimal Inconsistent Core is represented by instances of active/1: active(v).

The vertices v for which active(v) holds must form a Minimal Inconsistent Core for the given input.

Verifying whether a given set of vertices is a Minimal Inconsistent Core is DP-complete, cf.:

Papadimitriou, C. and Yannakakis, M. 1982. The complexity of facets (and some facets of complexity). Proceedings of the 14th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC’82). ACM Press, 255–260.


Input format

Vertices of the input graph are specified by means of predicate vertex/1. More specifically, if the graph has n vertices, the input comprises n+1 facts of the form vertex(i), where i = 0, ..., n.

A set of vertices that cannot belong to a Minimal Inconsistent Core is specified by means of predicate input/1.

Edges of the input graph are specified by means of predicate edge/2.

A partial labeling of vertices is specified by means of predicate obs_vlabel/2, where the first argument is a vertex index (an integer between 0 and n), and the second argument is either p or m.

A total labeling of edges is specified by means of predicate obs_elabel/3, where the first two arguments represent an edge, and the third argument is either p or m.

Output format

A Minimal Inconsistent Core represented by means of predicate active/1. More specifically, the output should comprise facts of the form active(v) whenever the vertex v is part of the Minimal Inconsistent Core.


Consider the following input:

vertex(0). vertex(1). vertex(2). vertex(3). vertex(4). 
obs_vlabel(1,p). obs_vlabel(3,p).

edge(0,1).         edge(0,3).         edge(0,4).
obs_elabel(0,1,p). obs_elabel(0,3,m). obs_elabel(0,4,m).




edge(3,1).         edge(3,2).         edge(3,4).
obs_elabel(3,1,p). obs_elabel(3,2,p). obs_elabel(3,4,p).

The only Minimal Inconsistent Core contains the vertices 0 and 3. It is represented by:

active(0). active(3).

Example Figure:

Example Figure

Additional sample instances: download

Problem Peculiarities

Type: Search Competition: System Track

Notes and Updates
