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Revision 1 as of 2013-05-23 22:11:39

location: Participants\LP2BV-1




A given ASP program is grounded by GRINGO and the ground program is simplified by SMODELS, then the simplified program is normalized using LP2NORMAL2 and translated to bit vectors using LP2BV, and finally, the bit vectors are solved by BOOLECTOR.

System Settings

The main modules and option flags are as below: * GRINGO 3.0.4 --shift * SMODELS 2.34 -internal -nolookahead * LP2NORMAL2 1.1 -wp -wt -wh -wn -wy -cs * LP2BV 1.10 -f * BOOLECTOR 1.5.118 --smt2 -m

The input language is Gringo 3.


bibtex entry

