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Revision 1 as of 2012-11-08 11:48:32

location: WeightedSequenceProblem

Weighted-Sequence Problem

Problem Description

In the weighted-sequence problem we are given a set of leaves (nodes) and an integer m — maximum cost. Each leaf is a pair (weight, cardinality) where weight and cardinality are integers. Every sequence (permutation) of leaves is such that all leaves but the first are assigned a color. A colored sequence is associated with the cost. The task is to find a colored sequence with the cost at most m.

For a set S of leaves and an integer m, we denote the corresponding weighted- sequence problem by [S, m]. We say that an integer m is optimal with respect to a set S of leaves if m is the least integer u such that the weighted-sequence problem [S, u] has a solution.

Let M be a sequence of n leaves l_0, ..., l_{n−1}. For each leaf l_i , 0 ≤ i ≤ n − 1, by w(l_i) and c(l_i) we denote its weight and cardinality, respectively. We color each leaf l_i , 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1, green, red, or blue; the leaf l_0 is not colored. We define the costs of leaves as follows. For the leaf l_0, we set cost(l_0) = w(l_0).

For every colored leaf l_i , 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1, we set

The cost of the sequence M is the sum of the costs of its colored leaves: cost(M ) = cost(l_1) + ... + cost(l_{n−1}).


Input format

An input consists of the following parts:

Output format

A solution is represented by means of a constant "exists" if there is a tree T and a specification of T in the following format


Problem Peculiarities

Type: Search Competition: Both

Notes and Updates
