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Academic Staff

Valeria Fionda

Email: valeria.fionda[AT]unical.it
Web: Personal site

Expertise: Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation, Semantic Web, Graph Query and Navigation Languages, Process Mining, Social Networks

Research: Valeria Fionda's research interests cover different fields among which the Semantic Web, mainly on Linked Open Data and Knowledge Graphs, Knowledge Representation, Process Mining, with particular emphasis on LTL and Declare, and Social Network analysis.

The results of her research have been published on top-level international journals (Artificial Intelligence, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering, and ACM Transactions on the Web, Semantic Web Journal, Journal of Web Semantics) and conferences in the area of the Semantic Web (WWW, ISWC and ESWC), databases (PVLDB, CIKM and ICDE) and artificial intelligence (IJCAI, AAAI, AAMAS and ECAI).

She has served in the program committees of major conferences (IJCAI, AAAI, WWW, ISWC, ESWC) and as a reviewer for top-tier journals (Artificial Intelligence, Semantic Web Journal and Journal of Web Semantics).


Teaching - Academic Year 2019/2020: