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Academic Staff

Giovambattista Ianni

Email: ianni[AT]mat.unical.it
Web: Personal site, LinkedIn

Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge representation, Nonmonotonic reasoning, Answer Set Programming, Semantic Web.

G. Ianni works mainly in the field of Knowledge Representation where he has published a number of original results in selected international conferences and journals concerning: declarative specification languages; extensions for answer set programming; hybrid languages mixing classical and nonmonotonic logics; knowledge and data integration. In this respect, G. Ianni participated to several international and national projects on related topics, such as INFOMIX (EU-FP5 IST-2001-33570), of which he has been general project manager.

Some of his earliest research activity has been devoted to the study of the computational complexity of data mining techniques.

G. Ianni has been co-author of more than 70 papers published on international journals and conferences, such as AI, ACM TOCL, TCS, AMAI, IJCAI, AAAI, PODS, SIGMOD, WWW, ICLP, LPNMR, ISWC, ESWC. Notably, the paper about "Combining answer set programming with description logics for the Semantic Web", published on Artificial Intelligence, is acknowledged of more than 110 citations on Google Scholar, as well the paper "A uniform integration of higher-order reasoning and external evaluations in answer-set programming" (IJCAI 2005). His paper on "Metaqueries: Semantics, complexity, and efficient algorithms", published on "Artificial Intelligence" has been rated as "Excellent research product" in the national evaluation of research quality (CIVR 2001-2003).

Awards and Honors:
co-author of selected best papers at the conferences LPNMR 2011, ESWC 2006 and ASP 2003.


Teaching - Academic Year 2019/2020: