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Academic Staff

Giuseppe Marino

Email: giuseppe.marino[AT]unical.it
Web: Personal site

Expertise: Mathematical Analysis

Research: Full Professor (since November, 2000) Affiliations:

ISI Highy-Cited, Mathematics, highlycited.com From June 2014 until 2014 I am one of the 4 Italian Mathematicians in THE WORLD’S MOST INFLUENTIAL SCIENTIFIC MINDS 2014 Highly Cited Researchers 2014, represents some of world’s leading scientific minds. Over three thousand researchers earned the distinction by writing the greatest numbers of reports officially designated by Essential Science Indicators℠ as Highly Cited Papers—ranking among the top 1% most cited for their subject field and year of publication, earning them the mark of exceptional impact. Web: http://highlycited.com/

Author of more than 100 publications in the following fields: Axiomatics of Quantum Mechanics; Geometry of Banach spaces ; Existence of fixed point for nonlinear mappings; Convergence of sets; Abstract form of Cauchy-Kowalewska Theorem; Operator Theory; Boundary Valued Problem; Iterative methods for finding fixed points and/or equilibrium points


Teaching - Academic Year 2019/2020: