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Network & Computer Security (Reti e Sicurezza Informatica)

Professor: Giovambattista Ianni - http://www.gibbi.com

Office hours and Exams registration: Monday 15:00-17:00

Teaching assistant: Davide FuscĂ  Office hours: by appointment

Facebook Group.

Starting from the academic year 2015-16, this course is no more active and has been split in the separate courses of Network And Security and Secure Software Design

For students following an old study curriculum (people enrolled to the Master in Computer Science up to and no later than academic year 2014-15): the exam (to be taken on the old course topics) can be taken up to exhaustion of students which require that. DON'T WORRY!

You missed the course or you want to follow the course again? Then I suggest you to follow the two new courses of "Network and Security (1st year)" and "Secure Software Design (2nd year)"

  • This course is given in English. Material in italian is available but it can be slightly or severely outdated

General information


Projects assignments

Teaching Material

Cryptography and Digital signature

Layer 2 Security

Layer 2 & 3: Virtual Private Networks

Layer 4 & 5 Security

Laboratory sessions

Host security and other selected topics

How to install Netkit

WebGoat Solution